Entrance- 100 Euro. You receive two miniatures included in the price (Hanako and Andreah from Hasslefree Miniatures)
Place- Battlefield Berlin (
http://www.shop.battlefield-berlin.de/ )
We want to show you that it is possible to paint a miniature really quickly on a high level. You will have a chance to learn some tricks to do so. We will also talk about basing and designing freehands and many other issues.
Friday 16-20
Time to get to know each other, and for us to talk about some techniques we would use during the workshop. Also model assembling, cleaning an basing. We would like to end the day with miniatures prepared for painting with finished bases. We will show you how to make interesting bases in a short time.
Sat 10-20 (dinner afterwards)
We start painting the miniatures. Freehand designing and how to approach it on a miniature. Tricks on how to achieve nice blending in a short time and much more. Around 14 o'clock a short break for something to eat.
Sun 10-16
Time to finish the miniatures, taking photos and a goodbye
Anmeldungen laufen direkt über Adam und Lukas. Beachtet, dass am 03.10. Feiertag ist! Der Laden ist geschlossen, wir sind trotzdem da!