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Mittwoch, 5. März 2025, 17:08

Donnerstag 06.03.

Is anyone playing tomorrow?

We would like to play BattleTech again.


Mittwoch, 5. März 2025, 19:49


I'm coming with Lukas to play some Frostgrave!

Will be there around 19:00. Will need medium or small table.
Ich habe einen Schlüssel und bringe ihn mit, wenn ich da bin!
One of the proud key-keepers of the Dice Knights


Donnerstag, 6. März 2025, 11:40

Anyone with a key?

I'm still not sure who has one and who doesn't. :D

EDIT: Okay that was a stupid question. Read first next time.


Donnerstag, 6. März 2025, 13:51

Still feel obliged to say that I have the key and I'll bring it with me :)
Anyone with a key?

I'm still not sure who has one and who doesn't. :D

EDIT: Okay that was a stupid question. Read first next time.
Ich habe einen Schlüssel und bringe ihn mit, wenn ich da bin!
One of the proud key-keepers of the Dice Knights

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