Trollbloods Alternative 1 Hoarluk Doomshapper, Shaman of the Gnarls Pyre Troll Storm Troll Dire Troll Mauler Alternative 2 Madrak Ironhide, Thornwood Chieftain 2 x Troll Impaler Troll Axer Alternative 3 Neue Box Circle Orboros Alternative 1 Baldur the Stoneclever Woldwarden Wold Guardian Alternative 2 Kaya the Wildborne Feral Warpwolf 2 x Argus Alternative 3 Neue Box Skorne Alternative 1 Tyrant Xerxis Basilisk Drake Basilisk Krea Cannoneer Alternative 2 Master Tormentor Morghoul 2 Cyclops Savage Titan Gladiator Alternative 3 Neue Box Legion of Everbligh Alternative 1 Thagrosh, Prophet of Evebligt Ravagore Nephilim Soldier Harrier Alternative 2 Lylyth, Herald of Everbligth Carnivean 4 x Shredder Alternative 3 Neue Box Minons Alternative 1 Lord Carver War Hog Gun Boar x2 Alternative 2 Helga War Hog Battle Boar Razor Boars X 2 Alternative 3 Barnabas Wrastler Boneswarm Bull Snapper Alternative 4 Jagajaga Ironback Spitter Blind Walker