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Die letzten 6 Beiträge


Freitag, 15. November 2024, 23:58

Von bonifanz

I am also currently collecting a Russian army in 6mm and would like to join a Napo group in the future. Greetings Boni


Sonntag, 1. September 2024, 00:54

Von Tattergreis

In both rules set there're no commanders that need to be present on the battlefield

Wott? I could stay at home? Interesting!

I could play French. They marched in close columns to avoid the long time to form up on the battlefield.


The French could and did, however, marche in serré or dense columns, which would reduce them to 40% of normal length, ...

Quoted after "Imperial Bayonets" from Nafziger
And this normal length is already only 64% of a Russian march column.


Freitag, 30. August 2024, 12:25

Von simple

My battalions have two bases à 4x2cm and I am slowly adding another base of 2x2cm as a designated command team. Would that work with Mustafas rules?
For Lassale 2 - pretty much so - single bases there are needed to do fomrations, but they are line, sqaure, assault column and march column and the only one not ideal would be march one - since you'd moving forward sideways.
With Blücher it's even easier. We did quick games using 4 x 4 cm units - so 2 strips of yours. But we want to do a grand version with 6x4cm. so you sill can do it with your formations.
In both rules set there're no commanders that need to be present on the battlefield :)


Donnerstag, 29. August 2024, 21:19

Von Tattergreis

My battalions have two bases à 4x2cm and I am slowly adding another base of 2x2cm as a designated command team. Would that work with Mustafas rules?


Donnerstag, 29. August 2024, 13:32

Von simple

We have been playing Lassale 2 and Blucher in 6mm.
I've checked the V&F when they came out but was not happy about them - I like mechanics from Sam Mustafa way more.
Maybe you'd like to try them instead? Also in 6mm. I have enough russians for most of the games. The only question is the size of the base - we use 2x2cm as a base.


Dienstag, 20. August 2024, 18:59

Von Tattergreis

Valour & Fortitude in 6mm

Die Perry Brüder haben ja ein kostenloses Regelwerk namens Valour & Fortitude herausgegeben, welches auch auf deutsch erhältlich ist

Hat jemand Interesse, dies in 6mm zu spielen?
Ich spiele Franzosen und Preußen, Russen baue ich auf. Ich hab genügend Truppen für Multiplayer.

