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Die letzten 9 Beiträge


Dienstag, 6. Juli 2021, 06:45

Von EdiNulz

Ah hey, thanks I didn't realize that it's full.
Its empty now.
I'll send you an email.



Mittwoch, 30. Juni 2021, 22:04

Von JonathanBreese

Hey Jonathan,

Nice to meet you!

I play Infinity, Frostgrave, Stargrave (haven't played it yet, but at least I'm ready for it).
When the situation gets better we could do some multiplayer Stargrave or Frostgrave sessions!

Hey Julian, I tried to message you, but it appears your mailbox is full. Feel free to hit me up at if that's alright for you. We can set something up. Sorry I didn't respond sooner.


Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2021, 12:20

Von JonathanBreese

Hi Jonathan,

I am a big Frostgrave-Fan. Played lots of games. Big fan of the enigine.
Played a couple of Ranger games too.

Just ot the start grave rules, but have not tried them out so far.

If covid restrictions are lifted: lets try out some games at the dice knights...;)

My english is limited, but it should be enough or a fun game...:)

Hi Don,

I'm all up for meeting up. It looks like the restrictions are finally starting to ease. Are there any official dates for Dice Knight meet-ups? I'd be happy to have someone over at my place, also.


Montag, 31. Mai 2021, 07:32

Von DonVoss

Hi Jonathan,

I am a big Frostgrave-Fan. Played lots of games. Big fan of the enigine.
Played a couple of Ranger games too.

Just ot the start grave rules, but have not tried them out so far.

If covid restrictions are lifted: lets try out some games at the dice knights...;)

My english is limited, but it should be enough or a fun game...:)



Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, 14:19

Von JonathanBreese

Hey Jonathan,

Nice to meet you!

I play Infinity, Frostgrave, Stargrave (haven't played it yet, but at least I'm ready for it).
When the situation gets better we could do some multiplayer Stargrave or Frostgrave sessions!


Looks like there's one more for Infinity. I just got the Stargrave book, and I'm looking forward to trying it. Frostgrave I've had for a while and just never gotten the chance to try it. The "AI miniature" element of both games are really attractive to me. I'd be happy to give either a try.


Donnerstag, 27. Mai 2021, 14:17

Von JonathanBreese

Hey Jonathan!

I can help you with Infinity. My german is also rather basic, too, but I can do english :)
The Dice Knights are currently under quarantine iron curtain and are going to reopen only when authorities allow it, so for now playing there is not an option.
But if time flies fast, it should be reopen soon and I know for a fact there are people playing Frostgrave and Infinity (and many-many more, but these 2 are on your list)

Feel free to PM me.

Hey Andrew,

Maybe we can work on our German together. I had a feeling Dice Knights was kind of on hiatus right now. I'd like to give Infinity more of a try, but it's a tough game to get into. There's a ton going on, and most people playing it throw way too much at a new player. :)

Frostgrave is definitely one of those games on I want to try, so I'd be happy to do a one off of it sometime, if nothing else.


Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021, 16:21

Von EdiNulz

Hey Jonathan,

Nice to meet you!

I play Infinity, Frostgrave, Stargrave (haven't played it yet, but at least I'm ready for it).
When the situation gets better we could do some multiplayer Stargrave or Frostgrave sessions!



Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021, 15:18

Von simple

Hey Jonathan!

I can help you with Infinity. My german is also rather basic, too, but I can do english :)
The Dice Knights are currently under quarantine iron curtain and are going to reopen only when authorities allow it, so for now playing there is not an option.
But if time flies fast, it should be reopen soon and I know for a fact there are people playing Frostgrave and Infinity (and many-many more, but these 2 are on your list)

Feel free to PM me.



Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2021, 13:10

Von JonathanBreese

Looking for Some Games

I've got a wide variety of games I'd like to give a try. Among them are:

  • Frostgrave & Stargrave: I have the books and want to try playing it.
  • Rangers of Deep Shadow: Own the book, but I haven't gotten the miniatures together to play it yet.
  • Starbreach: It's basically Killteam with any miniatures you want. A buddy of mine published the game in the U.S., and I've never gotten a chance to play it. I'll teach it to you and provide miniatures. All I need is another person.
  • Battletech: I tend to play 3025 era, but backed the Clan Invasion kickstarter. Willing to do Clan era. I like smaller games so you can finish them in an evening.
  • Marvel Crisis Protocol: A friend in the States raves about it, and I want to see what it's all about.
  • Heavy Gear: I emptied out my storage container in the States a few weeks back, and brought back my old Heavy Gear stuff. I'd be happy to teach people how to play.
  • Infinity: I have the 2nd edition rulebook and a Morat / Combined army that I've only played a few times. I don't know the rules too well.

I'm able to host games at my place, but I could also show up to a Thursday Dice Knights meetups if those are still happening. With COVID and everything, I don't know what's going on. I'm vaccinated, so at least I'm protected, but I'm pretty strict about complying with COVID restrictions.

My German isn't too great, and but gaming would probably help me learn it a bit better.